
crew cut (發式)平頭。


The one thing i miss from the days we wore our hair in crew cuts is that i was so fit , full of boundless energy , enjoying dreamless sleep , always ready for anything 在過去我蓄平頭的日子里,我懷念的一件事,就是那時我很強健,充滿無窮的活力,睡覺也安穩,而且總是留心和樂意去進行或對付一切事情。

The couple eventually escaped with the help of witnesses and a rescue crew cutting the roof off the car 現場目擊者紛紛伸出援手,救援隊把車的頂棚切開后,這對夫婦最終脫離險境。

The couple eventually escaped with the help of witnesses and a rescue crew cutting the roof off the car 這對夫婦最終在旁觀者和一個營救員的幫助下切掉汽車頂蓋后逃脫。

The couple eventually escaped with the help of witnesses and a rescue crew cutting the roof off the car 在目擊者和救援隊的幫助下,他們最終從被撬開的車頂脫身得救。

The couple eventually escaped with the help of witnesses and a rescue crew cutting the roof off the car 目擊者和救援人員將車頂卸下,最終救出了這對被困的夫婦。

- four p . m . , cut n ' curl ? - they gave her a crew cut , dyed it blond -下午四點鐘,她去剪了頭發還燙卷了? -她剪了平頭,并且染成金發了

Four p . m . , cut n ' curl ? - they gave her a crew cut , dyed it blond 下午四點鐘,她去剪了頭發還燙卷了? -她剪了平頭,并且染成金發了

I ' d like a crew cut 我要理平頭。

I ' d like a crew cut 我想理個平頭。

I ' d like a crew cut 我要剪個小平頭

Even crew cuts are acceptable 即使是船員發型也可以。